Tuesday 14 June 2011


Ya Allah.

Ive just hard news about ....
Icant say anything when i heard it and after that i find it in internet.

Ya Allah, save me Ya Allah.

Saturday 11 June 2011

When we ve tried our best on something,
dont we ever regret what we ve done,

The results are not so important,
what is the main one is the effort that we ve put,

Percaya lah,.
Orang yang tidak berusaha tetapi mendapat keputusan yang baik pasti tidak akan dapat merasa nikmat kecemerlangan itu,

Tetapi orang yang berusaha tetapi masih tidak mendapat apa yang diusahakannya tidak akan sedih malah dia puas dan dapat merasakan nikmat yang diterimanya.

That is sunatullah.
Allah will give what we want,
Maybe we ll get it late,.
He want us to know the meaning of  'berusaha'
and there are lot of hikmah beside it.


Thursday 9 June 2011

I just return from kampung.

I think i should share this story with u guys, hope u guys got something from it.
It was night, i and family were watching tv.

Suddenly my brother told me there was somebody at the 'wakaf' ( pondok )
 * the wakaf  just beside my grandma's house.

"who will sit at there at this time" i asked myself.

So I checked it.

U know, It shocked me. I cant believe for what ive seen

There was a man there reading or maybe studying.

i guessed he studied quran.

Ya Allah! i thought nowadays there s no more people like Ibn Sina.

His appearance was very simple like following the Sunnah.

in the dark, he only used 'lampu suluh' .

i asked my grandma who was him.

my grandma said she didnt know." Normally, budak-budak yg baru habis ngaji duk kat situ." she said.

u know, it totally changed my mind. it is so hard to find people like him in KL even ada bdk pandai pun, they do not care much about knowledge. for them, knowledge isnt the first thing in their life.(some of them la)

This is what i think. im sorry if it hurt someone outhere.

so Pengajaran:

lets us cintakan ilmu kerana Allah. Study kerana Allah. InsyaAllah, we will success in both dunia n akhirat.:)

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Allah always with us

Tatkala kita bersedih, mengenang nasib diri, yg keseorangan

- kerana kematian kedua ibu bapa

- kerana kematian isteri tercinta

- atau kerana ditinggilkan kekasih yg belum halal bagi kita

ingatlah sgl yg terjadi pasti mengandungi pelbagai hikmah,
kita hanya mampu bersedih, tapi siapa tahu nasib kita di hari esok

oleh itu, wahai saudara saudari sekalian, ingatlah Allah sentiasa.

Allah tdk pernah melupakan kita, hanya kita yg selalu leka dari-Nya.

ini ialah sebuah video daripada ustaz asri, sumber salafus-sholih.blogspot.com

sungguh terharu saya mendengar kata-kata yg keluar dr ustaz asri.

semoga saudara saudari juga dapat mengambil iktibar daripada apa yg disampaikannya.